Sunday, February 12, 2012

An illustrator/Concept Artist wanna be...

Finally I decided to set up a blog!

 I decided to do a blog because I've wanted to jump in the illustrative path career and I think having this blog to push me to post about my progress would be awesome.  So I propose to post my progress with my drawing ability and later on digital painting.  This following drawing I was sketching from videos on Youtube.  I actually did this one back in June. LOL Which is the time I should of had this blog up but I guess it was just procrastination.  HAHAHA.  I'm working on this I promise ;) 
And this is another one around the same time.  I was following a Gnomon dvd from David Finch.
I leave you with these to track my progress and I'll be back with fresh new ones soon.  Trying to figure out how often I'll be posting :p
Until next time have a great rest of your sunday and hope to see you tag along :)


  1. Ciaooooooooooo! You read my comment :D I was afraid you'd never read it as you didn't have a blog back then. So happy you took the plunge. Don't worry about taking longer to do so though as it's your blog and you need to keep up with it!

    As for's kinda a research and I'm still looking for ways to get more traffic, but in short what helped me is being myself. I blogged about topics that interested me and I visited lots of other blogs. The thing I always did was leaving typical TJ comments, so not a simple 'How lovely!' or 'Nice design'...I guess that rambling really helped me attracting readers to my blog haha. Most people wanted to know more about me and discovered I doodled :) Twitter and Facebook are connected to my blog as well and this brings in traffic too. Every now and then I do a giveaway as I love to giveaway thing haha, but sometimes I set a few simple rules, like asking specifically that they will share my blog or become a follower or tell a story. It's no fool proof method to gain followers, but it's fun and it can attract more readers. Hmm I used to post every other day or at least 3 times a week. Then I switched to 1 time and then 2 times as week. I have no solid posting schedule haha. Word of mouth really helped me as well.

    In short: good writing, fun subjects, being interactive are the keys...well for me anyway haha.

    I don't have all the answers, but I hope this helps a bit! If you have more questions, just let me know okay?

    I love how Disney-ish these sketches are looking :D Keep on Creating!! *waves*

  2. Woohoo my first comment :) thanks for stopping by and for all that information. I was originally thinking about posting everyday but with every day work and stuff that sometimes is not possible lol I'm enjoying it though it gives me a dealine to keep working on my drawings. I still need to update how my page looks though, still trying to figure out how to do that. :) thanks again for the commentif i have any questions i'll be sure to ask you sorry for not replying to that comment from last summer >.<
