Sunday, June 17, 2012

Back to the drawing board... eh sketchbook!

I'm back :)  sorry for the long wait.  The last posting was a couple of months ago and it really just feels like it hasn't been that long.  Since then I haven't really been drawing as much :/  I dedicated my entire time to lose weight.  My goal since February was to lose 30 pounds and I'm happy to say that I did just that this past week.  Woohooo :)  Thanks Shayloss :)

Ok so now back to drawing.  I bought several books that I'll be going over for the next few weeks hopefully :/  

The main one that's going to take most of my time away is The Natural Way to Draw: A Working Plan for Art Study by Kimon Nicolaides.  It is basically structured like a college course, requiring 3hrs of drawing per day O.o  According to the reviews it'll take approximately 6months-1yr to complete ouch!
There are is a total of 5 exercises A-E per section,  3 hrs each.  I'm in the first section on Exercise D,  I started last Friday but due to my work schedule and my new exercise routine I'm able to put in only about 1-2hrs per day of drawing.  The book does suggest that you can reduce the hrs per day it'll just take you longer to complete.  Oh well.  But quite honestly it is exactly what I need to move forward.  I absolutely need some sort of working plan otherwise I'm just staring at my sketchbook not knowing what to draw :p 

The other 2 books I ordered are Drawn to Life,  Volume1 and Volume2  I thought these would be small but boy was I wrong they are huge and have tons of information.  They are the notes of Walt Stanchfield from his lecture at Disney :)  I've only read the first few pages of volume1 so far I'll let you guys know how it goes.  Thank you Jesper Ejsing for your post at Muddy Colors :)

Here are some of the 1 min gesture drawings I've been doing for Nicolaides.

And another drawing I found in my sketchbook that I like,  I might incorporate it in a banner.

Alright I've made this post long enough and I have another thing I want to show you all.  I'll do that on a new post since it might be kinda long.

I'll try to post more frequently now.
Alright see you in a sec on my next posting.

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