Monday, August 6, 2012

Pencil Portrait Drawing Continuation

Another week, another Portrait Drawing finished,  this one I had quite some fun creating.  It also resembles my subject very much.  Which gave me a little boost to morale from last week LOL.

My next project is still in the works.  I'm still trying to decide what it would be.
I'll keep you posted though.

Until next time,  thanks for reading,

Monday, July 30, 2012

Is exact likeness necessary in art?

Heeeello again,
When I was posting my progress of the last portrait on Instagram, a friend of mine asked me if I could draw her and I kept trying to decide what to do in the back of my mind while I finished.
So I decided to make this my next project and I started gathering some reference photos from her and this is my final result.  

I must admit that the resemblance to the original isn't 100% exact.  I had my doubts about finishing the drawing cause of it but I still did anyways because I thought it would be good practice.
Overall I'm satisfied with the result.

I however ran into several doubts this past week with my art.  I was creating something that didn't receive the amount of praise I was looking for, there I said it. :/  You shouldn't rely on the idea that people should love what you do to continue doing it.  

I had a nice long conversation with a friend of mine from college recently and she knocked some sense into me.  I was so afraid of creating wrong art and not pleasing people and what she told me was that there is no such thing as bad art and that I shouldn't worry about criticism too much.

After all isn't art suppose to be your interpretation of the subject.

I'll end it at that before I ramble too much. O.o
What are your thoughts,
Should exact likeness be necessary in art?

Until next time :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

More Portrait Drawing Practice

I finished another portrait drawing, this one is of Candice Accola, Caroline from Vampire Diaries.  I love that show and she is one of my favorite characters on the show.  It took me sometime to finish because I could only put in about 1hr per day sometimes less.  It was a lot of fun to create though.

I really liked the process of drawing portraits and I'm quite satisfied with the result I got this week compared to what I posted last week.  I'm already thinking of how my next one will look.  I'll be working on that this coming week and post the results as soon as I'm done. :)

I'll probably be posting the process on Instagram like I did with this one.

Until next time, cya 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Portrait Drawing

I'm happy to say that I dramatically increased the amount of drawing hours I'm putting in per week.  At least on the weekends.  I haven't really done much work for "The Natural Way to Draw" book. :/  I still am committed to complete it though.
Recently I've been working on improving my portrait drawings.
I haven't drawn a portrait in over 5 years and I found it quite relaxing and enjoyable.  Although I'm not completely satisfied with the results >.<  I thought I would share with you my first attempt.  
I'm currently working on another portrait drawing that I'll post soon.  I'm just being more picky on this new one.

I'm starting to post more often on my instagram account.
You can find me using this username

Sorry for delay on posts :/  My new goal is to post at least once per week.

Thanks for reading, until next time, cya

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Brave Fan Art Drawing!

Hey again, so as you might as well heard by now Brave is coming out this coming Friday in the U.S. and I can't wait.  This weekend I spent most of my free time creating a drawing from the movie and I really didn't have time to complete section E of Nicolaides :/  I might complete some tonight but back to talking about Brave.  I drew Merida of course and here is how the process went.

The hair was definitely the longest process.  I kept going back adding more and more detail each time.  I then drew the rope for the bow separately and used Photoshop to add it to my drawing.

Here is my final Drawing.  I'll be using this as a base to see if I improve in the next couple of months.

Let me know what you all think in the comments.
Thanks for reading :)  until next time

Back to the drawing board... eh sketchbook!

I'm back :)  sorry for the long wait.  The last posting was a couple of months ago and it really just feels like it hasn't been that long.  Since then I haven't really been drawing as much :/  I dedicated my entire time to lose weight.  My goal since February was to lose 30 pounds and I'm happy to say that I did just that this past week.  Woohooo :)  Thanks Shayloss :)

Ok so now back to drawing.  I bought several books that I'll be going over for the next few weeks hopefully :/  

The main one that's going to take most of my time away is The Natural Way to Draw: A Working Plan for Art Study by Kimon Nicolaides.  It is basically structured like a college course, requiring 3hrs of drawing per day O.o  According to the reviews it'll take approximately 6months-1yr to complete ouch!
There are is a total of 5 exercises A-E per section,  3 hrs each.  I'm in the first section on Exercise D,  I started last Friday but due to my work schedule and my new exercise routine I'm able to put in only about 1-2hrs per day of drawing.  The book does suggest that you can reduce the hrs per day it'll just take you longer to complete.  Oh well.  But quite honestly it is exactly what I need to move forward.  I absolutely need some sort of working plan otherwise I'm just staring at my sketchbook not knowing what to draw :p 

The other 2 books I ordered are Drawn to Life,  Volume1 and Volume2  I thought these would be small but boy was I wrong they are huge and have tons of information.  They are the notes of Walt Stanchfield from his lecture at Disney :)  I've only read the first few pages of volume1 so far I'll let you guys know how it goes.  Thank you Jesper Ejsing for your post at Muddy Colors :)

Here are some of the 1 min gesture drawings I've been doing for Nicolaides.

And another drawing I found in my sketchbook that I like,  I might incorporate it in a banner.

Alright I've made this post long enough and I have another thing I want to show you all.  I'll do that on a new post since it might be kinda long.

I'll try to post more frequently now.
Alright see you in a sec on my next posting.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Arm Anatomy

Its been a while since my last post.  I haven't been drawing as much I would of liked to but here are some things I've managed to work on.

Arm Anatomy

I've been working from my bed on my drawings but I'm happy to say that I finally have a workspace as of today! :)  I got the table that I ordered yesterday, which I assembled as soon I got it last night after work.  Now I need a higher chair LOL  I'm using one from out dining table LOL.

After going over some anatomy for the arm I made the following sketch.

I guess my biggest struggle as of now is finding the time to practice drawing and coming up with what to draw.  There's so much stuff that I want to cover that I don't know where to start >.<

Well its getting kinda late >.<  and I work tomorrow.  So until next time, hopefully I can bring more stuff to show.
Good Night ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dynamic Poses

I've continued with the drawing poses by using the drawing tool at thanks to Sycra for this.  These are some of the results I was getting while using that tool.

The poses varied from 30 sec - 2-5min long and I was able to get good practice with those.  Its also a great place for reference images since your not tied in to an specific image and can jump around for what your looking for.  

I also tried David Finch's approach to figure drawing using a Gnomon dvd he created.  I've had it since last summer but hadn't really gone over it. >.<

These are some of the results I got from following that.  I only was able to go thru around 15-20min of video so far but I really like his approach and looking forward to finish seeing the whole dvd.

 So thanks for stopping by and I'll post some more stuff as I go along.  :)

Cya soon and enjoy the rest of your week.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Proportion with a slight anatomy...

I started drawing again today following tutorials from  This time I focused on poses and proportions with some knowledge of anatomy.  The tutorials from Laurie B are really good and I love her drawing style.  She explains everything in very easy to understand terms.  I haven't looked too much at the other artists on there yet, but hopefully I will soon.  Knowing how other artists work and think is a big plus! :)

So anyways these are some of the sketches I was doing as I followed along

Body Proportions

Starting with Poses on these

After following the lessons on drawing the body I noticed I was having difficulty with hands and feet.  So I covered those lessons right afterwards and here are the sketches for those.

Hand Composition

 Feet Composition

Already I'm seeing some improvements after those.

Thats what I've been doing so far.  I'm kinda of stuck as to where I need go after the lessons.  Maybe magazines or videos, don't know yet.  >.< 

As far as how much I've been drawing.  Well not as much as I thought I would.  I actually skipped 1-2 days from it :(   Still figuring out how to juggle that with work.  I don't carry a sketchbook with me all time and I know I should.

So anyways thats it for today.  I'll be back later with more drawings still and see how that goes.  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Human Skull & Face Proportions

I've been doing some skull and face proportions by following Laurie B. at Pencil Kings.  Its a really neat site with a could of instructional lessons on whatever area your struggling with.  I haven't been drawing as much for a while so I'm going back and reviewing everything.  I encourage everyone to take a look at the PencilKings website. :)

These are a couple of drawings I did as I followed along with the videos.

Studies of the Skull

Facial feature placement and movement

Study of Baby/Child Features

I plan on working on full body anatomy soon.  Which will be a lot of fun.  The last time I drew poses and full body images was about 5 years ago >.<  So wish me luck.  I'm hoping that it'll all return to me once I get started LOL  Until then, hope your having a great week and I'll see you all soon. :) bye